Year One Red
Welcome to Year 1 Red 
Miss Nelson is our teacher and Miss Myers, Mrs McAllister and Mr Guy help us with our learning.
Please follow us on twitter to see pictures and updates of our learning journey!
On Monday we have PE.
Our PE kit is our school kit (available from the school office) and black pumps.
Children should attend school in their PE kit on these days.
Reading books will be changed weekly following our RWI phonics scheme. Please ensure these books come back into school. We encourage the children to read every day and have books for them to enjoy in class!
Learning to write and spell is really important in Year 1, so any opportunity to practise at home would be fantastic!
Autumn Term Topics:
Geography- Weather in the UK
Science- Park Explorers
Mathematics- Place value
Spanish- Greetings, number and colours.
Art- Spirals
Music- Hip Hop
PSHE- Fun times
PE- Striking and fielding
Spring Term Topics:
Geography- Around Mab Lane
History - Florence Nightingale
Science- Senses and Animals
Mathematics- Multiplication and division
Spanish- Transport
Art- Exploring Watercolour
DT - Moving Vehicles
Music- In the Groove
PSHE- Feelings and taking care of our bodies
PE- Gymnastics
Summer Term Topics:
Geography- Hot and Cold Places
History - Queen Elizabeth II
Science- Senses and Animals
Mathematics- Multiplication and division
Spanish- Nursery Rhymes
Art- Making Birds
DT - Fruit Salad
Music- Your Imagination
PSHE-Fun Times and My Money
PE- Athletics and Invasion Games