Year Five Peach
Welcome to Year 5 Peach!
Mr Scarr is our class teacher.
Please follow him on Twitter for updates and photographs of our Year Five journey
@Mr ScarrMLP
Every Thursday we have PE. Please ensure that all children have a full PE kit which consists of shorts, a white t-shirt and black pumps/trainers. Children can attend school on their PE day wearing their full kit and can wear a tracksuit, as PE lessons may be taking place outdoors.
Homework is uploaded to SEESAW on a Friday and must be returned no later than the following Wednesday. There will be a spelling test every Friday following on from the spellings handed out the previous week.
Reading is very important and we should try to read for a couple of minutes every night to become a reading superstar.
"The more you read,
The more things you know.
The more that you learn,
The more places you'll go."
We will be having lots of times tables challenges throughout the year this year so please practise up to 12x12 every night.
English - The Promise
Narrative: Character Narrative
Persuasion: Bargain Letter
Multiplication and Division
Living Things and Their Habitats
Animals Including Humans
North and South America
Norse Culture
Computing - Computer Science
Digital Media
Information Technology
Art - Mixed Media Landscapes
Design Technology - Structures: Bridges
RE - Why do people have to stand up for what they believe in?
PSHE - Families and Relationships
Music - Composition Notation
MFL - Weather
Knowledge Organisers