Reading is key for the children’s development. Research shows that children with good levels of literacy and who read for pleasure are significantly more likely to achieve well in school.
Each day children are taught Phonics through Read Write Inc which starts in Nursery and continues in small group sessions until Year 2. If children need extra support, this is provided in the afternoon.
When the children move into KS2, we expect to see all children reading fluently.
There are numerous opportunities for parents to attend sessions in school. We hold phonics sessions, stay and read and reading workshops for parents to understand the skills we use to teach the children to read. Feedback from these sessions has been excellent.
Each child takes home a reading book and a reading record so parents can comment on the child’s reading at home. EYFS and KS1 children take home a RWI book linked to the text they are reading in school.
We are really lucky to have volunteers from the community who come in and read with the children each week.
We encourage all children to read at home and provide opportunities for children to read daily in school. As a school, we promote reading for pleasure and hopefully children will grow to love reading
In Mab Lane we love to read! We have created our own reading spine with books for each year group to read to create a living library in their minds by the end of their Mab Lane journey.
Each year group has a range of poetry, fiction, non-fiction texts and read these during reading for pleasure time at the end of each day.