Curriculum Overview
Mab Lane Primary School
Through consultation with staff, governors and children, Mab Lane has decided on our Curriculum Intent, Implementation and Impact. If you have any queries or questions about our Curriculum please feel free to contact the school directly.
Curriculum Intent
At Mab Lane, the curriculum is designed to foster independence and a love of learning in order to create well-rounded children. Our ‘only the best’ motto underpins everything we do at Mab Lane.
Our curriculum intent is to:
- Develop children’s knowledge and skills
- Provide children with the tools and expertise to become resilient and confident learners in all areas of the curriculum
- Improve children’s future wellbeing and encourage them to dream big
- Ensure there are strong links with parents and the local community
- Provide a curriculum that teachers relish teaching and to create an enjoyable, inspiring and enriching curriculum which ensures children are passionate about learning
- Make real life links and give first-hand learning experiences
We ensure our core values are visible and threaded throughout everything we do.
Core Values
- Positivity
- Respect
- Helpfulness
- Happiness
- Honesty
- Perseverance
To ensure we are providing the children with the best possible experience while they are at Mab Lane, we use the National Curriculum as a starting point and ensure we make it relevant to our children. We want to ensure staff have excellent subject knowledge and are able to support and adapt to individual needs. This is achieved by staff having a range of CPD sessions and working with other members of the school team and within other settings to ensure our standards remain high.
To make sure children uphold the whole school’s values and show ‘only the best’ behaviour, staff follow our school relationship policy which includes awarding Dojo points, which children can save to exchange for prizes.
Staff give children regular feedback written and verbal to move children’s learning forward and involve them in their learning, targets and progress. Staff, parents and children are provided with the non-negotiables for each year group to ensure children know what they are expected to learn, their own targets and how they make good progress in each year group.
Staff plan a range of practical tasks and hands on experiences for the children to ensure we enrich our curriculum. These opportunities provide the children with the opportunity to reason, think critically and discover. On top of this, we want to ensure children are prepared for later life so we invite guest speakers in regularly and link the children’s learning to real life whenever possible.
Children’s achievements are celebrated each week during assembly and also daily on the school website and Twitter. Each half term parents are invited in for a large celebration assembly to showcase the wonderful work done during the half term. Parental engagement is key and we work tirelessly to involve parents in their child’s school life. Parents are regularly invited in to take part in workshops, watch lessons and gain a better understanding of school life.
We strive to ensure children’s attainment and progress in core and foundation subjects is paramount to everything we do, while still nurturing confident, happy and creative learners. Through the curriculum that Mab Lane facilitates children will retain the key information which will be built upon each year to ensure the children make excellent progress.
All children will know that their voice matters and they have freedoms of expression and choices within their learning. The children will be resilient and, when faced with challenges, they will persevere and use the strategies taught to overcome and make outstanding progress.
The life experiences provided at Mab Lane will help the children to expand their horizons and know that they can be whatever they want, whether that be an explorer, writer, historian or geographer the sky is the limit!
At the end of each topic, the staff assess and reflect on what impact the curriculum has had on the children and how it can be further developed. This informs our ongoing curriculum design as we strive for ‘only the best’ at Mab Lane.
If you would like any more information about our Curriculum please speak to the class teacher or curriculum leader Miss Flynn.