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Mab Lane Primary School

Only The Best

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Reception Grey

Welcome to Reception


Your teacher is Miss Kelly and on a Thursday Mrs EvansMiss Watson helps us with our learning.

Please follow us on twitter to see pictures and updates of our learning journey!

@MisskellyMLP  @MisswatsonMLP @MrsevansMLP



 PE is on Wednesdays

Our PE kit is our Mab Lane school kit (available from the school office) and black pumps. Children are to bring their kit in on PE days and get changed in school to develop their independence and physical development.


Home learning

Home learning is sent home each half term and will be a class project. These class projects can be presented in anyway via video form uploaded onto Seesaw or twitter. They can also be in art form as a creative project or anyway you would like to present your research. These class projects should be brought back by the end of the term

In addition to this, each child will recieve a RWI (Read, write, inc) phonics book. 


What your child needs for school

Please pack a water bottle and spare clothes in a bag for your child. We encourage lots of learning in the outdoor environment, in all seasons. Please provide a coat and suitable outdoor shoes for your child to explore!



Reading is very important please try to read for a couple of minutes each day to become a reading superstar. We encourage the children to read for pleasure at every possible moment, we would love to see what books they're enjoying so please tweet us home reading!


We provide a child led curriculum that follows the children's interests and encourages children in child initiated learning. By responding to children's interests, we hope to foster enthusiasm as well as a real love and passion for learning. 




