Year Three Cream
Welcome to Year 3 Cream
Mrs Briggs is our teacher
Miss Hughes, Miss Knox and Mrs Gillard
also help us with our learning.
Follow us on twitter to keep up-to-date on
what we are doing every day!
This term, we have PE every Friday, so please remember to come to school with PE kits on. Our PE kit is a white Mab Lane t-shirt, maroon shorts and black pumps (can wear warmer clothes on top in colder weather). PE kits are available to buy from the school office.
Spellings will be sent home on a Friday and will be available on seesaw too. Please let us know if you have any trouble logging on. It would be really helpful if you could practise all times tables up to 12, at home as well as at school. We will be having lots of times tables challenges throughout the year and you have your TT Rockstars log in that you can access at home too!
Reading is very important and you should bring our reading book in to school when you have had plenty of practice with it or when your child no longer finds it challenging. Try to read for a couple of minutes every night to become a reading superstar!
We will be setting half termly projects to complete at home based on topics we have been learning about in school. We will provide you plenty of information about these each half term.
Autumn 1
English - The Iron Man
Maths - Place Value, Addition and Subtraction
Science - Plants
History - Ancient Egypt
Geography - Rivers
Computing - Computer science
D.T. - Textiles: Cross-stitch and appliqué
R.E. - What do people believe about God?
P.E. - Hockey
PSHE - Being Me in my World
Spanish - I am learning Spanish
Music - Ballads