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Mab Lane Primary School

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Medical, Allergy and Dietary Requirements

Allergies and Dietary Requirements 


Mab Lane work in partnership with our catering provider Chartwells to ensure that all children's dietary requirements and allergies are recorded, managed and catered for. 


Medical Dietary Requirements


The Medical Diet Request form and medical evidence confirming pupils’ allergies must be completed and returned to school as soon as possible. Whilst a medical diet menu is being prepared, Chartwells can provide a jacket potato with a suitable topping, and fruit for dessert. To inform the school and catering partner of a medical diet, please read parent guidance and complete the forms below. 


Religious Dietary Requirements  


If you child has a religious dietary requirement, you are not required to complete the following forms. However, please ensure that all religious dietary requirements are answered on your admission forms and reported to the school office. 

