Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) and Citizenship is children learning about themselves as developing individuals and members of their community. This starts in EYFS with Personal, Social and Emotional Development and continues throughout our school.
Children will learn skills for keeping themselves safe and healthy and behaving well. Children are encouraged to take some responsibility for themselves and their environment. They will begin to learn about their feelings and the feelings of others, their views matter and the rights of others. Children will learn to share, take turns, play, help others and resolve simple arguments and resist bullying. They will begin to take an active part in the life of their school and its neighbourhood. Children get to discuss what they like or dislike, what is right and wrong, what is fair and unfair.
In Key Stage 2 children become more independent, mature and self-confident. They discuss social justice and moral responsibility. As they develop into young adults, children face the changes of puberty and transfer to secondary school with the help and encouragement of Mab Lane.
We are very proud to say March 2020 we achieved the Liverpool bronze 'Health and Wellbeing Award'.