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Year Four Peach

Welcome to Year 4 Peach!

Mr Scarr is our class teacher and Mrs Thomas helps us with our learning!


Follow us on Twitter for updates on what we are learning and photographs during our journey in Year 4





This term we will have PE on a Monday. Please come to school in your PE kit every Monday. Our PE kit is our school kit (available from the school office) and black pumps.



Homework will be set on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. We use Seesaw to set homework activities. Codes for Seesaw will be sent home so you can access homework. Please ask if you require a new seesaw code throughout the year.


Home Learning

Reading is very important and helps us in all our subjects at school! We should try to read every day, even for a few minutes, to become amazing readers! Here are some ways to promote reading at home:

  • Read together every day!
  • Listen to Audiobooks
  • Play word games (Hangman, scrabble)
  • Visit your local library
  • Read a range of different materials (magazines, poems, fiction and non-fiction)
  • Encourage activities that require reading, for instance; cooking (reading a recipe), constructing different builds (reading instructions/directions), or identifying different plants/ animals on a walk (reading a reference book)


Here are some useful links:


In Year 4, our aim is to learn all of our times tables up to 12x12! We will have lots of challenges throughout the year around the times tables so please practice them as much as you can at home.

Please ask your teachers for any advice in learning them at home! 


We would love to see what extra learning you get up to at home so feel free to share your amazing work/reading on twitter and tag us! You can also share your fantastic effort with us on Seesaw and we will share it with the class!


The children in our class will learn a variety of topics through the year, these can be seen in the Year 4 curriculum overviews (both attached below).

As well as English and Maths in the Spring we will cover:


  • Science: ‘Sound’ and ‘Animals including humans’
  • History: ‘Roman Britain’ and ‘Christianity in Three Empires’
  • Geography: ‘Coastal Processes’ and ‘Tourism’
  • Art: Exploring Still Life
  • Design and Technology: Circuits
  • Computing: Digital Literacy, Computer Science, and Technology
  • R.E: ‘Why is Jesus inspiring to some people?’ and ‘Why do some people think that life is a journey?’
  • Music: Listen and Appraise and Instruments
  • Spanish: Vegetables

Class Overview

