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Year Three White

laughWelcome to Year 3!laugh

Welcome to Year 3 White!

Miss Nelson is our teacher on Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays.

Mrs Farley is our teacher on Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.


Please follow us on twitter to see pictures and updates of our learning journey!




This term, we have PE every Tuesday, so please remember to come to school with PE kits on. Our PE kit is a white Mab Lane t-shirt, maroon shorts and black pumps (can wear warmer clothes on top in colder weather). PE kits are available to buy from the school office. 


Homework will be assigned on a Friday and should be completed by the following Wednesday. It would be really helpful if you could practise all times tables up to 12, at home as well as at school. We will be having lots of times tables challenges throughout the year and you have your TT Rockstars log in that you can access at home too!


Reading is very important and you should bring your reading book into school when you have had plenty of practise with it. Try to read for a couple of minutes every night to become a reading superstar! yes We have a reading display in class and welcome tweets of your children reading their favourite books at home!



Spring 1


English- Mystery Stories/ Dialogues and Plays

Maths- Fractions/ Mass and Capacity

Science- Animals including Humans

History - Persia and Greece

Geography - Agriculture

Computing- Information Technology

Art - Working with Shape and Colour

R.E.- Why are festivals important to religious communities?

P.E.- Fitness

PSHE- Physical Health and Well Being

Spanish- Los Instrumentos

Music- Ukulele/ Musical Features







Year 3 Overview

